North Star Academy Trust Gang and Knife Crime Awareness Day
As a Multi Academy Trust that specialises in Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH), we have been alarmed in the recent spike in serious youth violence and gang crime that has struck Bristol and BANES. As a Trust our leaders have long been interested in understanding the link between SEND, Serious Youth Violence and…
Aspire Academy celebrates ‘Good’ Ofsted rating as result of collaboration with North Star Academy Trust
Aspire Academy in Bath has received a glowing Ofsted report following a recent inspection which dubbed all areas from leadership to the quality of education and behaviour as ‘Good’. The report, published this week, emphasises how ‘pupils’ safety and welfare sit at the heart of the school’s work’, highlighting strong relationships between ‘skilled staff’ and…
A holistic approach to supporting children and families with Social Emotional Mental Health needs
North Star Academy Trust CEO Kaye Palmer-Greene explains how their schools are disrupting the school to prison pipeline for children with SEMH needs thanks to a holistic approach…