Supporting Schools
North Star Outreach and Traded Services
North Star 360° Outreach and Traded Services
Our remit is to provide effective early intervention and work with colleagues in mainstream primary schools to support and manage children identified as having social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs.
Effective intervention is defined as the early identification of concerns, early assessment and early support. Working together, we aim to advise and support schools to plan and implement provision so that children with SEMH improve their overall outcomes, attendance and engagement.
Working collaboratively with schools allows us to individually tailor the provision required with the aim of enabling all children to achieve their full potential and develop the resilience and behaviours needed to succeed within a mainstream setting.
Further Information:
If you would like further information, please contact Dawn Edwards or call 0117 377 2175 ext. 214. You can also follow us on Twitter.
If you would like to refer a child to North Star Outreach please complete the referral form below and return to

Training Courses
North Star Academy Trust now offer training courses and professional services to schools which share our skills and expertise as SEMH practitioners to help improve the SEND provision in schools across the South West.
We currently run Team Teach courses in positive behaviour management and offer Speech and Language Therapy sessions and staff training, and we plan to offer other sessions, including Trauma Informed Schools support and behaviour management support for ECTs, in the near future.
Please find our courses on offer below:
School Training Request Form
As most of the training courses are catered to your needs, please let us know what you are looking for and we’ll build together a program options.
SEMH Course
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) – gaining a shared understanding.

Key Objectives
- Definition of SEMH and understanding
- Sharing experiences – what are the benefits and difficulties of working with children/ young people with SEMH difficulties?
- Understanding behaviour as communication through neuroscienc
- Understanding and applying the 3Rs
2 Hours
Group Size
Ideally 30 people
Target Audience
Suitable for all, ideally attended by members of SALT so that any strategies can be implemented
EBSA Course
Course: Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) – gaining a shared understanding

Key Objectives
- What do we mean by EBSA?
- Context and increasing need
- Common misconceptions
- What does early intervention look like?
- Strategies to support communication between home and school
- Case study example
2 Hours
Group Size
Ideally 30 people
Target Audience
Suitable for all, ideally to include support staff who work consistently with children and young people experiencing EBSA.
Course: Understanding and implementing ABC charts.

Key Objectives
- Why use an ABC chart?
- What are they?
- Understanding behaviour as the communication of further need
- How to use an ABC chart
- How to analyse and how to ensure findings are matched with strategies
1 Hour
Group Size
Any number
Target Audience
All staff are eligible to attend this training.
SBP Course
Course: Understanding and implementing Supporting Behaviour Plans (SBP).

Key Objectives
- The importance of a shared understanding of need
- Ensuring there is a shared communication and therefore a shared approach
- Structure of an SBP – what does it need to include
- Who needs to use this?
- The importance of monitoring and review
Up to 1 Hour
Group Size
Ideally 30 in class teams
Target Audience
All staff are eligible to attend this training.
Visual Timetables Course
Course: Understanding and implementing Visual Timetables.

Key Objectives
- What, why and when used?
- How are these introduced and used?
- Exploring different visual styles to support all learner
Up to 1 Hour
Group Size
An number
Target Audience
All staff are eligible to attend this training including support staff.
The Key Adult Team System
Course: Understanding and implementing the Key Adult Team System.

Key Objectives
- Defining what is meant by a key adult team
- Why and when is this used?
- Understanding behaviour as communication
- and the central support through the 3Rs system (Regulate, Relate and Reason)
Up to 1 Hour
Group Size
An number
Target Audience
All staff are eligible to attend this training.
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy
Course: Speech and Language Therapy North Star Academy can offer a range of Speech and Language Therapy provision from individual assessment of one child to a whole school package involving training of staff, screening of children/young people and regular intervention.

Key Objectives
- Attention and listening skills
- Difficulties using language
- Speech sound difficulties
- Literacy and Vocabulary
- Difficulties understanding language
- Social communication skills
Up to 1 Hour
Group Size
An number
Target Audience
All staff are eligible to attend this training.
Intervention Sessions
Course: Following an initial assessment, if Speech and Language Therapy sessions are recommended and appropriate, a programme can be tailored to the needs of the child. School staff are encouraged to observe sessions and will be provided activities and materials, enabling follow up. Progress will be regularly reviewed against targets and discussed with parents or carers.

45 mins
In-person at your school
Assessments & Reporting
Course: A Speech and Language Therapist will discuss the child’s development & history, followed by age appropriate formal (standardised) and informal (playing/looking at books/talking with the child) assessments. Following the completion of a full initial assessment, the Speech and Language Therapist will provide a detailed report. This report will contain analysis of speech, language and communication needs, specific intervention recommendations and strategies. These reports can be used to enable follow on discussion and guidance for Schools and other professionals, especially when considering next steps and any ongoing support requirements.

90 mins
In-person at your school